Home VOL. 7 (2021) Globalization in the Context of Nigeria and its Impact on the Universality...

Globalization in the Context of Nigeria and its Impact on the Universality of Human Rights



The aim of this paper is to examine globalization within the Nigerian context and its impact on the universal application of human rights.This paper majorly employed the doctrinal research methodologythrough an examination of texts and articles covering the topic. This paper found that globalization  has  enhanced the proliferation of international human rights instruments in the form of treaties, declarations, protocols and so on, with states being party to at least one human rights instrument. However, owing to globalization, states are also confronted with new and complex challengesas a result of globalization.The present narrative therefore, is the disparity between commitment and compliance in respect of the universal application of human rights standards. An urgent paradigm shift in this regard was therefore recommended. If the state is to remain in continued existence, human rights principles must not be made subservient to other considerations by states.It was further recommended that multilateral institutions must urgently begin toinput human rights considerations in their policies. NGOs on their part, must also take advantage of the opportunity afforded by globalization to sensitize as well as mount concerted pressures on states to effect the much needed change in human rights primacy over other considerations.

Authors: Onyeka W. Igwe, Ogheneovo J. Itefue