This paper examines the use of legal software as a tool for researching and legal practice management. The demand for reliability and validity in contemporary researching and the search for an easier stress-free management of law firms have created an avenue for the exploration of various software, which facilitate credibility both in researching and legal practice. The shift from the traditional manual processing methods of carrying out inquiries, analysis and legal management processes to technologically-based strategies and techniques have recorded considerable acceptability by lawyers, who are desirous of seeking best practices for the profession and by socio-legal researchers, who work to achieve reliability and validity. While addressing the accruing benefits of using legal software, the paper attempts to give a balanced presentation by recognizing that legal software may not be completely free from inherent challenges. The gathering of information was through the legal doctrinal approach, in which there was a recourse to historical and comparative discourse. In conclusion, the paper argues that the development of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, has opened up a long global journey into the broad spectrum of internet facilities, which will continuously expand to accommodate skeptics of the benefits of legal software.
Authors: Evelyn Aluta, Peter I. Gasiokwu