Local and international legislations abound to assure citizens of their right to freedom of expression and in extension to make this right far reaching, the freedom of the Press which serves as an extension to the right to freedom of expression is also provided for, guaranteed and protected under Nigerian laws. It is in a bid to Foster and localize the right to freedom of expression and of the press and arouse the consciousness necessary for national Constitutional Press freedom activism that this paper is attuned. This paper examines the freedom of the press under Nigerian laws as well as the right to freedom of Expression. It also examines the press as a polity not excluding cardinal and coordinated hard knots which are nebulously put in place be the microscopic few, to militate against the exercise of these rights. The laws of this country particularly the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission Act 1992 as amended in 1999 is analytically examined as it affects the right to own a broadcast station. From the court judgment in FCC v Pacifica the intendment of some judgments of courts as it relates to press freedom is examined as well as words considered indecent. This work also discusses press as the hope of the common man; freedom of Expression but, not against the ruling class and the rule of activism in ensuring the enjoyment of the right to freedom of expression.
Authors: Okemdi C. Nnubia