Family is defined as a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a write. There is doubt that legalizing same sex marriage has radically altered the concept and definition of the Family. Some countries particularly in the developed world legalized same sex marriage and practicalised it. They refer to it as marriage equality, involving gay men and lesbians. The hay community believes that this is an issue of human rights and the campaign to end discrimination based on sexual orientation. In African custom end amongst the Muslims, a man is entitled to marry more than one woman as wife. In Africa homosexuality is viewed as Abomination Countries in Africa and particularly Nigeria criminalized same sex even in the face of threats by the developed countries. This paper argued that this is not good enough and therefore recommends concerted efforts be made to protect the cultural heritage of non western countries so as to fulfill one of the aims and objectives of GOD instituting marriage, which is procreation as recorded in the Bible.
Authors: U. M. Ogisi