Home VOL. 3 (2017) The Paradox of the omages of Law and their Critique in our...

The Paradox of the omages of Law and their Critique in our jurisprudence



The law is a Paradox.  This article exams the paradox of the images of law and a criticism of same in our jurisprudence. An attempt shall be made to define law, make an outline of the images of law and take a cursory look at the celebration of law. An assessment shall then be made of the critique of law and whether law is an unfilled promise, not forgetting controversial issues like hyperlexis-too much law, with the conclusion that law is an unanswerable question to difficult puzzle, riddle. It is infact an enigma and a quandary, for example, it is the same law that talks about hearing one party in a case that still insist on hearing the other party under the principle of fair hearing i.e. audi alteram patem.

Authors: M.O.I. Nwabuoku