Home NO. 2 Death Row Phenomenon and Methods of Execution: A Repugnant Violation of the...

Death Row Phenomenon and Methods of Execution: A Repugnant Violation of the Dignity of Mankind



This article discusses the emerging doctrine of death row phenomenon and methods of execution which are inevitable consequences of the imposition of sentence of death. It is a doctrine which the abolitionists of death penalty device as an alternative means of questioning the legitimacy of sentence of death. The basic argument is that a prolonged delay under the hash condition of death row constitutes torture, cruel and inhuman treatment in violation of the inmates’ fundamental human rights. The author identifies two approaches for establishing death row phenomenon-the conservative and the progressive approaches and argues that there is an urgent need to reconcile the two in order to have a clear meaning of torture, cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment, Using doctrinal research methodology, the article finds that the doctrine has explicitly been recognised in some international judicial system as an egregious violation of fundamental human rights of the death row inmates. The article therefore recommends that it is imperative that the doctrine be given legal protection in domestic and international legal order in the interest of dignity, integrity and decency of mankind.

Authors: L. O. Taiwo