Based on the Montesquieu’s recommendation of separation of powers on ground that absolute power corrupts absolutely, there exists separation of powers into three arms. These are the Executive, Legislative and Judicial arms of government. These arms of government are meant to work hand in hand with their various functions well spelt out. They are also given their powers to be autonomous financially to enable them function independently. This is not however the case with the judicial arm as it only exists in the laws as against reality. This in no small measure hampers the independence of the judiciary. Against this backdrop, some salient provisions empowering the financial autonomy for Judiciary in Nigeria are critically examined with case study of Delta state Judiciary Fund Management (Financial Autonomy) Law, 2019 to see whether or to what extent the Delta State Law provide financial autonomy for the judiciary in Delta State. It was found that this financially suffocating Law is clearly unconstitutional and therefore recommended that it should be expunged.
Authors: Mabel Osato Oniha, Bright Eraze Oniha