Home VOL. 3 (2017) Collective Bargaining: A Panacea to Industrial Harmony

Collective Bargaining: A Panacea to Industrial Harmony



All workers throughout the world are alike in the sense that they desire recognition, fair wages and salaries, security of job, satisfaction in place of works, redress for wrongs and better working conditions. The employers on the other hand try as much as possible to maximizing profit at all cost. These divergent interests have often led to strain relationship between them, sometimes ending up in strike or other industrial actions. Collective bargaining plays a vital role in preventing and resolving this strain relationship between the Workers and Employers. It is a potent instrument in the resolution of trade disputes, particularly disputes connected with strikes and lockouts, which are the most disruptive of all industrial disputes. This article examines the relevance of collective bargaining, its effectiveness as well as the deficiency in preventing and resolving trade disputes, which are inimical to social economic development of the country, Nigeria. In adopting the doctrinal method of research, the article revealed that collective bargaining system of resolving trade disputes is not proactive enough, hence the unprecedented proportions of industrial actions in Nigeria. The article indentified some deficiency in collective bargaining procedures and suggests inter-alia the need for collective bargaining to be encouraged, Workers and Employers should imbibe the sanctity of collective bargaining agreements and the enforceability of collective agreement should not be based on honour.

Authors: J. O. Abusomwan, Nally. H. Nwadei