ISSN: 0331-3638 (Print)
eISSN: 2782-8077 (Online)
DELSU Law Review (DLR), A Publication of Faculty of Law, Oleh Campus, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria over the years has contributed immensely to legal scholarship through the publishing of topical, recondite and current legal essays of scholars. This has impacted greatly and positively on readership cutting across the legal profession as a whole and the general public.
Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
Faculty of Law, Oleh Campus
A Legal Overview of the Nature and Role of Church Internal Governance Mechanisms
Idowu A Akinloye
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The National Development Plan 2021-2025: An Analysis of Investment and Sustainable Financing Plan and Legal Constraints to Socio-Economic Advancement in Nigeria
Fatima Bello
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Challenges of Surrogacy in the Development of Reproductive Health in Nigeria
Charles Emeka Ochem, Abieyuwa Blessing Igbinosa-Okoro
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That they may also be in Health and Prosper: Covid-19 Pandemic and the Right to Dignity of Health Workers in Nigeria
Olusola Babatunde Adegbite
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Wills as a Panacea to Succesion Disputes, and Inheritance Squabbles under the Nigerian Law: An Overview
Nwogbo-Egwu, C. C., Egwu, C., Udensi, A. C C
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Indigenous Peoples Rights under International Law and the Legal Impediments to their Full Realisation in Nigeria
Ibe Okegbe Ifeakandu, Ochem Emeka Charles
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Pitch Invasion During Sporting Events: A Case for Criminalized Public Trespass in Nigeria
Oluwagbenga Atere
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Tax Objections Processes, Nigeria, West Indies and other Comparative Jurisdictions
Grace Akolokwu, Chidi Halliday, Omotayo Abisoye, Rose Ohiama Ugbe, Mokutima Ekpo, Linus Nwauzi, Godwin Oyedokun, Uche Jack-Osimiri
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Constraints on Environmental Protection in Developing Countries
Mabel Osato Oniha, Bright E. Oniha
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The Implications of Legislative Rent Control on Housing Delivery in Lagos State
Access to affordable housing is an intractable problem confronting the city of Lagos, leaving many residents with spiraling housing costs. This housing challenge...
The Constitutionality or otherwise of Delimitting Amendment to Pleadings under the High Court of...
This article critically examines the provisions of Order 24 Rule 1 of the High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2009 of Delta State which allows...
A Reflection on the Constitutional Power of the Attorney-General to Enter a Nolleprosequi in...
The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) bestows on the Attorney-General the power to enter a nolleprosequi in criminal proceedings....
The Role of National Implementation Bodies in Ensuring Compliance with International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
The Geneva conventions of 1949 and their additional protocols of 1977 and 2005 are the principal treaties governing the humane treatment of civilians, aid...
Recovery of Legal Practitioners Charges: A Review of the Decision of the Court in...
This subject matter of the case is the entitlement of a legal practitioner to his professional charges from clients. Section 19 of The Legal...
The Breach Of The Duty Of Care In The Tort Of Negligence
The law of negligence is based on the duty of every one to exercise due care in his conduct towards others from which injury...
Challenges and Prospects of Personal income Tax Administration in Nigeria
The primary purpose of levying tax in general and personal income tax in particular is to generate revenue for government expenditure. Laws are therefore...
Advancing the Rights of Patients in Nigeria: Analyzing the Patients Bill of Rights
Persons who seek medical attention have rights which must be respected, notwithstanding their health status. The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,...
An Unequalled Legal Icon takes a Bow
The late Prof. Martin Ogbogwu Uzochukwu Gasiokwu was born at Ubulu-Uku, a town in Aniocha South Local...
Judicial Independence as Bulwark of Rule of Law
In any society, even more so in a democratic one, the judiciary is indispensable for the impartial administration of justice. The judicial system of...